Web Design Training
Cyberoid (is a training division of Nestsoft Technologies) is the best web design training institute in Kochi. Built up in 1997, we are the first organization who introduced responsive website designing here. We have created hundreds of websites for companies, organizations, agencies & various domains like matrimonial, real estate, education, politics, health care, etc inside and outside Kerala. We are providing the website & graphic designing training (courses) in HTML5, Bootstrap, Dreamweaver, CSS, Jquery, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery Framework, Mobile Framework, etc with live projects for students to mold and transform them into well-talented professionals. The trainees can work as a part of our live projects and can attain skills and work experience with our web development professionals through the Web Design Training Programme. Our rich experience of over ten years is bestowed upon the students with the purpose of being qualified as web designers. The fees for training are also affordable. Refer our success stories, Please feel free to contact us.
- We provide practical training through live projects in Webdesign.
- On job training with 100% job assistance
- Our professional program can help you become an expert in Web design.
- Our training is for corporate marketers, students to help them kickstart their career.
- Our experienced employees teach using real client projects with 100% job assistance
- We provide advanced theoretical and practical knowledge in handling projects.
Eligibility Criteria
- Plus two/Degree/Diploma
- Passion on programming languages.
- Basic knowledge about programming languages such as C or C++.
Section 1 : Photoshop
- Basic in Photoshop
- Tools in Photoshop
- Simple templates design
- Menu in Photoshop
- Different navigation bar
- Image effects
- Design your portfolio page
- Design a high end web designing from scratch
- Design a cool Photography Portfolio
- Unique Desktop Layout
Section 2 : HTML
- Introduction
- Editors
- Basic
- Elements $ Attributes
- Headings
- Paragraphs, Formatting
- Links, Heads
- Tables
- Blocks, Layout, Forms
- Iframes
- Colors
- JavaScript
- URL Encode
- Summary
Section 3 : HTML5
- Introduction
- New Elements
- Canvas
- Geolocation
- Video $ Audio
- Input Types
- Form Elements $ Form Attributes
- Semantic
- Web Storage
- App Cache
- Web Workers
Section 4 : CSS
- Introduction
- Syntax
- Id & Class
- Backgrounds, Text $ Fonts
- Links
- Lists $ Tables
Section 5 : CSS Box Model
- Box Model
- Border
- Outline $ Margin
- Padding
Section 6 : CSS Advanced
- Grouping/Nesting
- Dimension
- Floating
- Align
- Pseudo-class,element
- Navigation Bar
- Image Gallery
- Media Types
- Introduction
- Borders
- Gradients
- Text Effects
- Fonts
- Transitions
- Multiple Columns
Section 7 : JavaScript introduction
- Introduction to JavaScript
- Understanding Events
- JavaScript Example
- External JavaScript
Section 8 : Basic Elements
- Comment
- Variable
- Global Variable
- Data Types,Operators
- If Statement
- Switch
- Loop: for and while,Function
- JavaScript Objects
- JavaScript Array
Section 9 : Browser Object Model
- Browser Objects
- Window Object
- Document Object
- getElementById,
getElementsByName, getElementsByTagName
- innerHTML property, inner Text property
Section 10 : JavaScript Validation
- Form validation
- Email validation
Section 11 : Jquery
- Introduction
- Install, Syntax
- Selectors, Events
- Hide/Show
- Fade,Slide
- Animate
- stop()
- Callback
- Chaining
- GetjQuery Set
- Add, Remove
- CSS Classes, css()
- Dimensions
- slider
Section 12 : Project