The new Artificial intelligence software (AI) challenges the human brain

Terms such as artificial intelligence and machine language have been reduced for some time now. Though there are great benefits based on intuition, philosophy, common sense and language, there are miles to slow down. The machines can not beat us in everything we do, but they've beaten us in some ways.

Latest Artificial Intelligence Software

Deep Mind’s AlphaGo

AI software from Google defeated South Korea Grand Prix 4-1 in five games. The boot -force calculations will not work with this complex game. It needs more.AlphaGo deeply used neural networks and advanced tree screens to win. "Millions of games have learned to discover new strategies to combat themselves and gradually improve among alpha neutral networks.In the two interconnected networks, the policy chain predicted the next move, assessing the winner of the rank-and-file board's winner.Advanced machine learning techniques, such as sacrifices, and excellent engineering skills, make Deep Mind better than expected.


Let's go, go with the AI's magic. There is no such thing as Texas Hold'em, beaten by Deepapack poker players. An algorithm closes 450 million glasses per day. A professional player will have a 50 million glass spectator a win rate.Deepstack is based on "input" rather than in advance. Algorithm takes real-time decisions based on a few possibilities.

AI Duet

These intelligent software will respond to you and create a button. This will motivate you. It's not going to prepare for a concert at Boston Symphony Hall, waiting for you come back to something improvisational on the basis of pests you have undergone some real fun random notes and computer.


It seems like the artificial intelligence investment banking revolution. JP Morgan Software Coin, Contract Intelligence, is a mystery and magic that 360 million hours have been spent on "an interpretation of commercial loan contracts."COIN is based on machine learning ideas. Software is naturally less when it comes to lending agreements. A bloomberg report says, "JPMorgan says technology will deploy the data to be traced into data to recognize patterns and relationships.


Cambridge University and Microsoft are using deep-based learning software called deepcoder. "The approach is to train a neural network to predict the features of the program that produces the input of the input.We use predictions in the neural network to expand search results from programming language community, including enumerative search and SMT based solutions, "says the article in which the publication published.


A deep learning curve from Google to detect a more accurate and faster cancer than a pathogener. Identifying the tumors scanning images is both erroneous and hard work.Google says, "More variations , we have proved to be more userfriendly, including the picture of the different chains to check out the training, you can train the appropriate entrepreneur or a model of unlimited performance slides time. "


The boundaries of human brains are new possibilities and progressive artificial intelligence as never before. Describing the terrible artificial intelligence programs in this post is from a perspective on a horrible future. If these tendencies continue, scientists think that machines would be far less than man.