Java Course
Core Java is the most basic version of Java. It is used to create general applications for the desktop environment. It is the standard edition of Java and is used to learn the concepts of Java and get expertise. It includes fundamentals of Java applications, Java multi-threading, OOP concepts, data types, wrapper classes, JDBC and more. It is mainly just a collection of libraries. Core Java is not exactly the programming language itself but refers to the basics, concepts, and techniques of Java which is to be learned before moving on to more advanced Java. It is the building blocks for the newer, more advanced editions of Java. Cyberoid (a training division of Nestsoft Technologies) in Kochi provides a clear and thorough understanding of Java through the Core Java course taught by our highly experienced developers.
Scope and career prospects- Core Java-based questions always come up for interviews and are hence very important.
- Trainees can either start a career in Java immediately with Core Java knowledge or move on to studying more advanced Java courses also offered at Cyberoid.
- Career in desktop application development.
- Testing is also a good career option for Core Java trainees.
- Core Java trainees are required in companies to develop general applications.
- On The Job Training
- Training by Experienced Developers
- Experience Certificate
- Cost effective and Quality training
- Practical and theory sessions
- Soft skills training
- Work for a real time project and get involved in the project phases
- 100% job placements
Eligibility for Java Training
- The Core Java course is a basic entry level course in JAVA technology. It usually covers simple principles of the object-oriented programming concept. The topics such as access modifiers, specifiers and literals are also included in the course. In order to grasp these terms, you need to have consistent determination and interest. As like any other programming language course, it is important for the candidates to have basic knowledge of SQL commands and Databases. Knowledge of additional programming languages will be an added advantage. Fresh graduates of B.Sc (Computer Science), B.Tech and other graduates with adequate knowledge in programming languages are eligible to take up a course in Core JAVA.
Module 1: Basics of Java
- Introduction
- History
- Features of Java
- Types of Java Application
- Difference between JVM,JRE and JDK
- Simple Java Program
- Variables and Data types
- Methods-Declaration, definition and Calling
- Packages
- Access modifiers
- Reading from Console using Scanner
- Java Arrays
- Operators and Operator precedence
- Conditional and Looping Statements
- Basic Java Programs
Module 2: String Handling in Java
- String class Introduction
- Immutable String
- Methods of String Class
- String Comparison
- String Concatenation
- String Buffer Class
- String Builder Class
- Mutable String
- toString method
Module 3: Wrapper Classes
- Wrapper classes
- Autoboxing
- Unboxing
Module 4: OOPS Concepts
- OOPs Concepts Introduction
- Object and class
- Static keyword
- Constructor
- this keyword
- Inheritance
- Aggregation and Composition
- super Keyword
- Interface
- Polymorphism
Module 5: Exception Handling
- Exception Handling Introduction
- try and catch block
- Multiple catch block
- Nested try
- finally block
- throw keyword
- throws keyword
- Exception Handling with Method Overriding
- Custom Exception
Module 6: Multithreading
- Multi threading Introduction
- Multi threading vs Multiprocessing
- Life Cycle of a Thread
- Creating a Thread
- Thread Class
- Runnable Interface
- Thread class methods
- Thread Scheduler
- Thread Priority
- Daemon Thread
- Thread Pooling
- Thread Group
- Performing multiple task by multiple thread
Module 7: Synchronization
- What is Synchronization and Why?
- Synchronized method
- Synchronized block
- Static synchronization
- Deadlock
Module 8: Garbage Collection
- What is garbage collection?
- finalize method
Module 9: AWT and Event Handling
- AWT Controls
- Event Handling by 3 ways
- Event classes and Listener Interfaces
- Adapter classes
Module 10: Layout Managers
- Basics of Swing
- Swing features
- Advantages of swing over AWT
- Swing Components
- Digital Watch
- Graphics in swing
- Displaying Image
- Open Dialog Box
- Drawing paintings
- Creating applications
Module 11: Applet
- Applet features
- Life Cycle of Applet
- Graphics in Applet
- Displaying image in Applet
- Animation in Applet
- Event Handling in Applet
- J Applet class
- Painting in Applet
- Creating Animations
Module 12: Collection
- Collection Framework
- Array List class
- Linked List class
- List Iterator interface
- Hash Set class
- Linked Hash Set class
- Tree Set class
- Priority Queue class
- Map interface
- Hash Map class
- Linked Hash Map class
- Tree Map class
- Hash table class
Module 13: Java Updated Features
- Functional Interface and Lambda Expression
- Java Stream API for Bulk Data Operations on Collections
- Java Time API
Module 14: SQL
- Introduction
- Basic SQL Queries
- Aggregation in SQL
- Joining tables
- Subqueries
Module 15: JDBC
- JDBC Drivers
- Steps to connect to the database
- Connectivity with Oracle, MySQL and Access
- Driver Manager
- Connection interface
- Statement interface
- Result Set interface
- Prepared Statement
- JDBC New Features
- Mini Project using swing and JDBC
Module 16: Web Technology
- Introduction to HTML
- HTML Tags
- Lists
- Forms creation
- Creating tables
- Managing home page
- Introduction to CSS
- Three ways to use CSS
- CSS selectors
- CSS Properties
- Designing website
- Introduction to JavaScript
- Syntax
- Three ways to use JavaScript
- Variables
- Data types
- Operators
- Conditional and Looping Statements
- Functions
- Working with events
- Client-side Validation
- Introduction to jQuery
- jQuery syntax
- Example program
- jQuery selectors
- jQuery Effects
- jQuery Events
- Validation using jQuery
- jQuery Forms
- jQuery Examples
- Introduction to AJAX
- Servlet and JSP with AJAX
- Interacting with database
Module 17: Server Side Programming
- Servlet
- Servlet introduction
- Basics of Web
- Servlet vs CGI
- Servlet API
- Servlet Interface
- Generic Servlet
- Http Servlet
- Servlet Life Cycle
- How servlet works?
- Servlet Request
- Servlet Request methods
- Registration example with DB
- Request Dispatcher
- send Redirect
- Servlet Config
- Servlet Config methods
- Attribute
- Session Tracking
- URL Rewriting
- HTTP Session
- Basics of JSP
- Life cycle of JSP
- Scripting elements
- scriptlet tag
- expression tag
- declaration tag
- 9 Implicit Objects
- Directive Elements
- Exception Handling
- Action Elements
- Expression Language
- MVC in JSP
- Custom tags
- Interacting with database
- Project Development in JSP
Module 18: Hibernate
- Hibernate Configuration using XML and annotation.
- Hibernate CRUD operation
- Hibernate Query Language
- Mapping One to One
- One to many
- Many to one
- Many to Many
- Fetching types
Module 19: Spring Framework
- Basics of Spring
- Spring with ORM
- Spring 3 MVC
- Login and Logout Application
- CRUD Functions
- Main Project
- Spring Boot