Attractive Features From The Navigation Update Which Make Your Smartphones Better

The Android 7.0 notification update is currently running out of devices running Android OS. Note update is thought to be a beauty such as Android 5.0 Lollipop, two versions previously introduced.Marshmallow has a number of improvements and modifications, even if there are no visual features like the lollipop version. The majority of these changes are striking and notable features. In short, the iaa Update is to minimize performance issues by improving advanced quality features and increasing the functionality of the Android phone. It's for making smartphones better.

Improved, quicker multitasking

With the Nougat update, switching between two "recently used" applications becomes easier. All you have to do is double the tap on the button showing the new apps. For example, when you compose a mail in Gmail, you need Google as a word in Chrome.So open the Chrome and find out what's searching for in your Gmail. All you have to do is go back to Gmail, tap New Apps and Button Voila and double-click! You've returned to Gmail and you're composing your mail there.

Multi-window features that allow you to work in both apps at the same time

In "Split Screen" mode, Samsung users can use only two apps at the same time. Navghat works in both apps at the same time. Long-press on recent apps button to activate the Multi Window feature.The current app (or you use a tablet) that moves on the top of your screen in your phone. You'll see a list of recent apps below. Select the second application you want to work on, drag or maximize application windows or use the Dividend to enlarge.

See two open-chrome tabs at once

Google has also introduced Multi Window feature in the same time, although the app has been a year away from bringing the "Split Screen Tab Watch" feature on Safari and iPad. When you have Chrome browsing in multi-window mode, tap on the menu button and select the "Move to other window" option.

Drag the pictures and text between the two windows

When you use both "Multi Window" mode, you can drag the text between the two applications. Select text with highlight, and immediately drag it on a text field in another app in the next window once it starts float. that's all! Images between the two windows are as easy to share. Best of all time!

Animations when installing new installations

When installing an app using an APK file, there's a fancy new animation to the navy, so you can enjoy a small Android boat on the screen, whenever you install apps outside the Play Store. That's not the difference that your daily use of the device will affect you, but it's not bad. After all, an Android boat construction method opposes a little fun.

Bundled notifications

Have you ever trashed your notification tray iris on your new Facebook profile picture or a lot of messages from your app groups or lots of likes and comments alerts? You can use this small bulletin notifications, including a single alert for this application, using the Nautilus, to include all notifications regarding a single application. To see the remaining alerts, that's all you need to do.

Quick replies to your messages

Google allows you to respond directly to notifications like Facebook messages, Hangouts messages, and Twitter tweets. Try more than just one messaging app.

Set priority for app notifications

Android Nougat lets you set up DND (Do not disturb) settings for a specific application. It's a great way to make sure that you do not have a bomb in your experiment or your experiment or trying to see too soon in your office.Long-press on a notification to see the current importance level. Disable the default auto adjustment setting by clicking More Options and adjusting its interruption state. Move the slider to specify the importance of running.